Faith Formation Opportunities

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

This is a formal program for anyone wishing to join the Catholic Church, or seeking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, or revitalizing their understanding of the Catholic faith. For more information contact the Director of Campus Ministry.

Scripture-Based Groups

Campus Ministry offers opportunities for men and women exploring faith and seeking a deeper walk with Christ to come together around the Word in study and in prayer. See the calendar and/or contact the Director of Campus Ministry to find out what is currently being offered.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice in the Catholic tradition to assist a person in her/his personal relationship with God and to explore the movement of God in one’s life. Contact the Director of Campus Ministry if you are looking for spiritual guidance, support and discernment.


There are opportunities for students to participate in half-day, day long, and weekend retreats throughout the year, put on by QU Campus Ministry and local churches. Students of all faiths and of no faith at all are welcome to participate. See calendar or Contact Campus Ministry for further information.

The opportunities listed above occur on a consistent basis. Campus Ministry also offers events throughout the year that you will find on the calendar and/or by contacting the Director of Campus Ministry. 

Contact Campus Ministry
217-228-5432, ext 3617
Office located in Francis Hall, across from the front desk (Room 114).